Welcome to the Inner MAP Project, I'm Jamie. I am so glad you're here!
I offer transformative retreats and sacred ceremonies that blend Mindfulness, Adventures in nature, and Psychedelics to help you heal your soul and reconnect with your highest Self. I aim to create a safe space to get centered, listen to the wisdom of your body, and navigate times of change and transition. No matter what emotional terrain you are traversing, I am here to support your healing journey!
When I had 2 miscarriages in 2017, I knew I needed to do something to heal my body and process my grief. Through somatic practices like movement, breathwork, and immersing myself in nature, I found my way back home to my Self. My work with sacred medicines deepened my connection with my inner healer and provided a salve to my soul. Now, I am honored to share these powerful practices with others.

I've got you!
As a mom, mental health provider, wife, educator, and friend, I know the overwhelming feeling of always taking care of others and neglecting myself. I know what it’s like to feel lost and out of alignment.
Through Healing Retreats, Sacred Ceremony, and Plant Medicine, I create a sacred container to reset your inner compass, listen to your spirit, and find yourself again.
Take the next step on your journey...

I have learned so many new tools and strategies for personal and inner success. Jamie is down to earth and truly has a well rounded approach.
Jamie not only makes you feel comfortable sharing and ultimately letting go of what’s pent up inside – she attracts a community that supports that too and reminds you of what it’s like to truly connect.
I'm so happy to have started this journey led by my badass mountain biking buddy who is taking wellness to a whole new level!